Youth Counselling Against Radicalisation

The project focuses on building/developing partnerships between European organizations working in the field of adult education and on exchanging and sharing experiences in sphere of lifelong learning. This partnership will bring together Learners, Educators and Adult Education Organizations from different geographical areas of Europe.

Main objectives of the project:

  1. transfer of knowledge, exchange of experience and good practices in:
    •    the effective ways of motivating adults for learning process
    •    promotion of lifelong learning among adults
    •    adult education systems
    •    valuation criteria for assessing and improving the training system quality (adults education)
    •    improving the attractiveness of adult education
    •    developing the educational/training programs for adult learners with the use of ICT
    •   a djusting directions of further education/training programs to the needs of adults
  2. increase of administration capacity of organizations offering the lifelong education possibilities
  3. promotion of quality improvement and innovation in systems, institutions and practices in the field of adult education and training
  4. professional development of adult educators, including deepening their knowledge, improving teaching skills, performing tasks and teaching methods and techniques,
  5. increase the activity of adults in the membership in an European society /to consider/
  6. personal development of participants
  7. increase of adaptability and intercultural skills of participants
  8. improvement of language competences of participants
  9. establishment of international contacts
  10. activation of cooperation between organizations or institutions of adult education and training in Europe